Patrick Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver - Rise to Any Challenge


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Patrick Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver - Rise to Any Challenge
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The COVID-19 MINDSET BLUEPRINT This video has been HIGHLY requested, and I thought no better time to sit down with my friends Patrick Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver. It was my privilege to have this conversation with them. Patrick is such a unique young man. Not only is he a successful actor and model... But he’s a successful young entrepreneur who has incredible business insight and vision. Maria is such a special soul. Her humility, generosity, and kindness is an example I admire so much. She is a powerful leader in women's empowerment, a journalist, author, and founder of the nonprofit organization The Women's Alzheimer's Movement. I want to be candid….I know people are genuinely suffering right now and have urgent needs…. I know so many are scared and having so many negative thoughts. I understand... HOWEVER, I encourage you to question your thoughts as you don’t have to BELIEVE everything you think!! We dive deep into the choices that are staring us in the face during this time and how we often find our greatest GIFTS in our hardships… Perhaps these gifts are finding out what is really IMPORTANT, what makes us HAPPY, and what we truly DESIRE for our lives. This struggle you are going through could be the VERY thing that leads you to your greatest success if you use this time to your ADVANTAGE! Some of the biggest companies in the world started their business during personal or economic down cycles: Gates started Microsoft in ’75 Jobs started Apple in ’76 Uber started in ’09 Venmo started in ’09 We talk about why STRUCTURE is KEY during these times of being at home…. What my MINI DAYS look like and how they will drastically change the way you perceive time. We dive deep into understanding the MINDSET of HAPPINESS, the link between PHYSICAL MOVEMENT and mental health and most importantly, FAMILY. I even share a personal story about my biggest regret with my family. This is the time to be RESOURCEFUL, COLLABORATE, and REEVALUATE….. I believe this conversation can help you. I love you guys! God bless

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Ed Mylett
